Here and There Japan

A. Donwerth-Chikamatsu


I started this blog in 2006. I finally revised this “about” section:

I used to take pictures of the things we saw, used, and did in our daily life in Japan. Earlier posts were more about Big Sister’s and Little Brother’s schoolwork and school things. Both of them went to Japanese public schools. We lived in a multi-generational home with grandparents and Aunt downstairs.

Both grandparents have passed away, but Aunt still lives downstairs. Big Sister is now working in the States and Little Brother is there studying at university. Papa is still busy, busy, busy.

I have been busy writing books for children. My middle grade novel, Somewhere Among, debuted in April 2016. Check this page for more information. I post photos here when I have time, but I post more often on my author’s Facebook page and Twitter.

****By the way, I screen all comments. I welcome them, but this blog is written especially for kids so please make them kid-friendly. Kids, please don’t include your last name or the name of your hometown in your comments.


Annie Downerth-Chikamatsu

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